Friday, May 01, 2015

“Membangun Peradaban dengan Epistemologi Baru: Membaca Pemikiran Said Nursi”, Tsaqafah, Volume 11, Nomor 1, Mei 2015, pp. 51-70.

This article examines Said Nursi’s idea on reconciliation of science and Islam. He offers an epistemological approach which integrate Islam and science. By using of Ian Barbour’s theory, that is of four possibilities as science meets religion: conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration, this article delves into Nursi’s thought on his attempt to integrate science and Islam. In line with Barbour’s theory, his first step is to get rid of philosophy of materialism since the philosophy is to impass processes of the integration. His second step is to make his own understanding on the universe through Islamic perspective and in light with the Qur’an in which he differs between ismi and harfi. Ismi is the empirical existence, while harfi is human understanding of nature which begin with a self-perception constantly aware of its contingency and dependence on God. He also emphasizes on science as a prescription for developing new civilization in Muslim communities in compete to the advanced modernity of European countries. Being a Muslim thinker of twentieth century his thought is of no different to other thinkers of the time which put the Qur’an in the center of Islamic revivalism. So did Nursi. His thought is that the Qur’an is in the very heart of the prescription which lead him to compile his magnum opus Risale-i Nur.

Keywords: Said Nursi, sains dan Islam, epistemologi, wahyu dan rasio

  1. “Membangun Peradaban dengan Epistemologi Baru: Membaca Pemikiran Said Nursi”, Tsaqafah, Volume 11, Nomor 1, Mei 2015, pp. 51-70.
  2.   (terakreditasi “B”, berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional RI, Nomor: 58/DIKTI/Kep/2013)

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